Monday, 2 May 2016

creepy family

this is one creepy family

stupid knock off mario

yeah sorry I haven't posted here in forever. was considering to get rid of it maybe but I think I will keep it and post stuff on it again, especially pointless silly stuff lol. Check this out ^^^ the one on the middle right got me XD

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Moshe dano simba meme

This is a new meme I have made. It is from the new Disney cartoon The Lionguard from the first episode where the crocodiles have a fight they call Moshe Dano. I added that phrase to make it even better. This is a hilarious screenshot I got from that episode of samba when speaking to the crocodiles. It is PERFECT! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! Someone pick this up and put it somewhere. I BEG of you people! Make this a thing! It must happen! Whenever there is a fight starting, post this. It will be sweet! This is my mission. Let's do this!

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

things that happen to me sometimes - 27

is that really the best you could come up with to advertise your game?! I think being able to actually play a game is pretty much a standard at this point

things that happen to me sometimes - 26

Facebook adverts can be pretty funny. lol great face you got there old man. You look so 'excited'!

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

things that happen to me sometimes 25 - FNAF on facebook

OMG! Facebook games will do anything to get views! It's Five Nights at Freddies! 0_0

things that happen to me sometimes 24 - sandwitch

why is this magical girl trying to sell me a subway sandwich? OOOOOOOOOH!! I guess she is a sand-WITCH! OMG why do I do this to myself?!