Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Arguement on Derpibooru about education - things that happen to me sometimes 13

Thought I would show you something. Below is a comic I made 2 years ago on my old Tumblr account and I didn't really know what I was doing with my Tumblr then so I decided to make a comic about a thought of mine to get some viewers. Didn't work on Tumblr but I posted it on Derpibooru and now I am refreshing my Tumblr and doing it right this time, when I checked my old Derpibooru posts to delete them I discovered that in my absence all hell broke loose!

I understand that maybe I didn't put it across as well as I could. I wasn't saying history was completely pointless by that it doesn't make sense to teach it in GCSE level and should be reserved for further education since otherwise most people won't use it and it becomes a waste of schooling time and such. However, people seemed to take it as me saying history in general was stupid and no-one should learn it and then everyone called me...well see for yourself...
I certainly didn't expect such an aggressive backfire over such a small subject. Everyone seemed to think I was uneducated somehow because of my opinion. Oh I wonder what they would say when I show them my college scores! XD Anyways, I think these people were being a little aggressive and unfair and I can't believe even the site assistant thought it was enough to argue over as well 0_0 I was merely expressing my opinion on schooling and had no idea it was a touchy subject for anyone. I thought everyone would be happy with the idea of less history teaching. I certainly didn't know anyone who liked it when I was at school. And although they have a point about the fact you need to know history to learn more in the future I wasn't trying to say history as a whole was pointless. If anything needs to be learnt about history from old history knowledge then that is what a historian is for. So it is still not much use to a young child. What are they going to use it for? I doubt anybody even remembers half the stuff they learned at school and they probably have a job and a family. I doubt cutting history from the younger school curriculum would ruin all knowledge of history. Anyways, a silly thing indeed. What do you think? Also I found I can't delete them since stupidly I posted anonymously so I guess I will have to put up with this now. Oh well...

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